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Currency converter

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World Currency Symbols

DNBC Financial Group introduces a list of worldwide currency symbols that are used to indicate that a number has monetary worth, such as the dollar sign "$," the pound sign "£," and the Euro sign "€." This list is continually being updated, and we rely on user feedback to maintain it as thoroughly and accurately as possible.

DNBC has a complete list of ISO 4217 Currency Codes, which shows the standard three-letter codes for every currency in the world.

List of Currency Symbol - ISO 4217

These currency symbols are used in common font Arial Unicode MS

Country and Currency
Currency Code
Graphic Image
Font: Arial Unicode MS
Country and Currency
Currency Code
Graphic Image
Font: Arial Unicode MS

DNBC Live Board Exchange Rates

The exchange rate is the value of other currencies compared to the US Dollar or Euro. These exchange rates are updated in real-time by The Currency Layer API. There will be differences depending on the currency you choose to exchange at the moment.

DNBC Financial Group Live Foreign Exchange Rate
Currency Currency name Exchange rate from
EUR EUR Euro 0.9329 Euro
JPY JPY Japanese Yen 155.5505 Japanese Yen
GBP GBP Pound Sterling 0.7994 Pound Sterling
AUD AUD Australian Dollar 1.5311 Australian Dollar
CAD CAD Canadian Dollar 1.3673 Canadian Dollar
CHF CHF Swiss Franc 0.9135 Swiss Franc
HKD HKD Hong Kong Dollar 7.8284 Hong Kong Dollar
NZD NZD New Zealand Dollar 1.6779 New Zealand Dollar
SEK SEK Swedish Krona 10.8596 Swedish Krona
SGD SGD Singapore Dollar 1.36 Singapore Dollar
NOK NOK Norwegian Krone 10.9425 Norwegian Krone
MXN MXN Mexican Peso 17.0548 Mexican Peso
ZAR ZAR South African Rand 18.9648 South African Rand
TRY TRY Turkish Lira 32.5083 Turkish Lira
DKK DKK Danish Krone 6.9581 Danish Krone
PLN PLN Polish Zloty 4.0228 Polish Zloty
HUF HUF Hungarian Forint 366.392 Hungarian Forint
CZK CZK Czech Republic Koruna 23.4526 Czech Republic Koruna
ILS ILS Israeli New Sheqel 3.7878 Israeli New Sheqel
AED AED United Arab Emirates Dirham 3.6729 United Arab Emirates Dirham
RON RON Romanian Leu 4.6422 Romanian Leu
ARS ARS Argentine Peso 873.2504 Argentine Peso
USD USD US Dollar 1.0722 US Dollar
JPY JPY Japanese Yen 166.7432 Japanese Yen
GBP GBP Pound Sterling 0.8569 Pound Sterling
AUD AUD Australian Dollar 1.6413 Australian Dollar
CAD CAD Canadian Dollar 1.4656 Canadian Dollar
CHF CHF Swiss Franc 0.9792 Swiss Franc
HKD HKD Hong Kong Dollar 8.3917 Hong Kong Dollar
NZD NZD New Zealand Dollar 1.7986 New Zealand Dollar
SEK SEK Swedish Krona 11.641 Swedish Krona
SGD SGD Singapore Dollar 1.4578 Singapore Dollar
NOK NOK Norwegian Krone 11.7299 Norwegian Krone
MXN MXN Mexican Peso 18.2819 Mexican Peso
ZAR ZAR South African Rand 20.3294 South African Rand
TRY TRY Turkish Lira 34.8474 Turkish Lira
DKK DKK Danish Krone 7.4588 Danish Krone
PLN PLN Polish Zloty 4.3122 Polish Zloty
HUF HUF Hungarian Forint 392.7557 Hungarian Forint
CZK CZK Czech Republic Koruna 25.1401 Czech Republic Koruna
ILS ILS Israeli New Sheqel 4.0604 Israeli New Sheqel
AED AED United Arab Emirates Dirham 3.9372 United Arab Emirates Dirham
RON RON Romanian Leu 4.9762 Romanian Leu
ARS ARS Argentine Peso 936.0852 Argentine Peso

* Disclaimer: This table is for referential purposes. The final exchange rates as well as the transaction fees are charged as of the value date.

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